Terms and Conditions
All orders must be made through the online store on the website or by email. We do not accept orders or glass measurements over the phone. A written order is in the interest of both parties. The supplier confirms all orders.
Delivery of products
The supplier is responsible for any breakages that may occur during transportation when the price of the freight is charged to the customer. The customer is obliged to inspect the delivered products upon their arrival and to record any damage in the consignment note. If the product shows damage that has not been detected during delivery, the customer has five days to complain about the defects in writing to info@glassfactory.fi. The claim for transport damage ends after this. The delivery time for the products is 2-5 weeks, unless otherwise agreed. The freight of the products includes delivery to the yard at the end of the road, any collection must be agreed separately. Orders are generally delivered on weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm. The transport company agrees on the delivery time in advance, if the delivery is not successful due to the customer, an additional fee will be charged for the new delivery. To make sure you are able to accept your order, the shipping company will charge for the extra storage time.
Glass standards and warranty conditions
The products have a 2-year warranty. The warranty covers manufacturing defects and product defects, excluding normal wear and tear and glass breakage. The warranty is not valid if the structures to which the glasses are attached have moved or are alive, for example due to temperature. Note that mirrors are not resistant to moisture. The warranty does not replace oxidation from mirrors due to moisture. In the manufacture of glass, the dimensional tolerance is +/- 1mm. We follow the warranty conditions of the Finnish Flat Glass Association. Below are the most important standards related to the appearance of glass:
8.1 The quality of different glass grades and glass products is assessed in accordance with the current SFS-EN standards and the following are the main points of the quality assessment. More detailed information can be found at standards.
8.2 Float glass (and mirrors), SFS-EN 572-2: Simple, uncoated float glass must not cause disturbing image distortion when viewed from a 45 ° angle and at a distance of 4.5 m. Other defects are considered at a distance of 2 m perpendicular to the glass surface in normal daylight which does not cause reflections (scattered light). When viewed in this way, linear and wide errors and ø 3 mm point errors are not permitted. The number of point errors allowed depends on the size of the glass and the error ø.
8.3 Heat-tempered safety glass, SFS-EN 12150-1.2: The total deflection of the glass can be 3 mm / 1000 mm and the local deflection 0.5 mm / 300 mm. The edges of the glasses can be sharp-edged (TSH), rough-edged (RRH) or gloss-edged (KRH).
8.4 Laminated glass and laminated safety glass, SFS-EN 12543 and SFS-EN 14449: The glass may have point defects. The permissible number of defects of ø 0.5… 1 mm and ø1… 3 mm depends on the number of lamination layers and the surface area of the glass. Errors with a ø of 3 mm or more are not permitted. Linear errors <30 mm are allowed. A linear error of more than 30 mm is allowed when the glass size is> 5 m2. Holes and wrinkles in the laminating film are not allowed in the visible area of the glass after installation, but in areas that are “hidden”.
All products we sell are custom-made and have no right to exchange or return. Payment for the products is made through Klarna.
We are not liable for consequential damages. If there is a defect in the products we deliver, we will only replace the portion of the defective material. All products are custom-made and have no right of exchange or return. We are also not responsible for unexpected delays or force majeure in production or transportation.
We reserve the right to make changes.